#198: Basics of a Vbe Multiplier: what it is, how it works & where it is used

The Vbe Multliplier circuit, also known as an Amplified Diode or Adjustable Diode, is a useful circuit that allows you to set a user desired voltage drop without using a series combination of diodes or zeners. This video describes and demonstrates how this circuit works, and shows a few applications where it is used. It is commonly used to set the bias on a low-impedance push-pull output stage of an amplifier. All transistors shows are typical general purpose devices like the 2N3904/2N3906. The scope is being used as a simple curve tracer in the first part of the video. Here is a link to a video that shows this technique:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWY-pakm_OM />The notebook pages for this video can be downloaded here:

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