#HamRadioTV #HamRadio #Yaesu #FT8900R #AmatuerRadio
Fiori Films Presents Ham Radio TV: Best Mobile Radio
In this video Jason/ KM6FAK, talks about the 5 best features that makes the best mobile radio.
UPDATE / CORRECTION: The FT-8900R will cover 144 – 148 MHz & 430 – 450 MHz if it is a US model.
What is the best mobile radio for your vehicle? This is a question I’m sure a lot of Hams ask themselves and talk to others about. With 756,409 licensed Amateur Radio Operators (as of March 2, 2019 according to the FCC database http://www.arrl.org/fcc-license-counts) and about 263.6 million registered vehicles in the US. I’m thinking manufactures are also considering the features in a radio, operators are looking for and need while bouncing down the road.
In this video I go over the 5 features a radio must have to go in my car. This is after “mobile-ing “ for over 1,560 hours with radios in the car. What are your features you need before making that purchase and installing it into your vehicle?
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