Eric –Welcome to episode #36 of the Canadian Prepper Podcast, recorded September 11, 2019.
My name is Eric, and I’m the host of the show. I am based in southern Ontario. I’m a hunter, target shooter, HAM radio operator (VE3EPN), and computer geek. I got into preparedness when I was working front line in emergency services and witnessed an over reliance on Emergency Services during major events, such as ice storms, power outages, etc. I started a small preparedness company to help get people prepared and able to look after themselves for at least 72 hours, if not longer.
Ian – My name is Ian, and I live on a small hobby farm in BC. I am an outdoor enthusiast, sport shooter, reloader, field officer for the CCFR, and my farm’s designated handyman.
Alan – I’m Alan, and my friends and family call me a safety nerd. My background as a Medical First Responder developed a mind for safety. I teach first aid and coach family and friends to be better prepared. I’m a locksmith by trade and have worked in the physical security industry for more than 20 years now.
Ian- Want to help support the show and keep the Canadian Prepper Podcast on the air? Buy a Canadian Prepper Podcast T-Shirt at All proceeds help keep the lights on, and the backup generator fueled!
Alan – If you’re enjoying the show, please take a few minutes and like us on Facebook, and submit a review on itunes. Also we want your feedback, good or bad! Let us know if there is a topic you want us to cover, or if you like or dislike something we’re doing, email
Eric – We have some well-preserved content for you in this episode, We’re going to start off with some news articles relating to preparedness and the outdoors. Next we will be letting you know how we’ve improved our preparedness since our last episode. Then we’ll get into the main topic for this episode – Canning in preparedness.
News –
Alan –
Armed robbery, suspect still at large. Be vigilant and keep your eyes open. In this case no one got hurt, but it could have gone south quickly.
Ian – Note to mention 9/11. Loss of life to civilians, first responders, airline employees. You can also never predict the black swan events.
I heard there was a mild storm in The Bahamas. Hurricane Dorian . Remnants going towards Hugues!
Bahamian government official showed video of water above window level!
-gang use of firearms on a disarmed population
– only means of communication for most is satellite Internet and messaging apps
– governments are squabbling over aid and support, delaying the recovery operations. City of Miami is sending their USAR team without federal support/authorization.
Eric – Three ways to preserve your fall harvest
GOSO did not renew so no ad this time around
Eric – Got out in the wilderness and disconnected for a few days, went fishing and practices my filleting skills and wilderness survival skills.
Ian – Haven’t’ been home much since last episode… did finish the wood stacking. Girls did their last poultry show of the season; fared very well, birds going to auction. Should bring in more cash as show winners. Sighted in the rifle. Rifle season open. Changed out a tire on the Genny trailer. (Inflation story)
Alan – some vehicle maintenance in anticipation of the cold white stuff flying in a few weeks (it’s really only 6-8 weeks away friends, sorry to slap you with that reality). Having a mechanic buddy teach me more vehicle maintenance so I can be more self-sufficient. Next task for the car is going to be brakes and wheel hubs. I’m apprehensive about working on my car in the middle of nowhere. I’m a 45 minute walk to the nearest parts store if I mess something up, so I’m happy to be learning from someone with greater knowledge than me. I can fix just about anything, but have less than no experience fixing cars.
Main Topic –
Eric – Alright, it’s time to move onto the main topic of the show. (Each host insert talking points here)
Ian – Why? Creates a system of making shelf-stable foods, including meat products.
Allows you to take advantage of sales with no freezer space, preserve freezer contents in an emergency with power out, or use fruits about to expire .
Adds variety to the daily diet, as well as the long term survival diet – Huge morale boost with sweets!
2 Main methods : Pressure canning and water bath method
Salting is for another day……
Large pot or pressure canner
Tongs. Funnel. Jars, lids, (rings)
Magnetic lid grabber
Regardless of method, hygiene is important
Clean your jars. Sterilize in oven at 250 for 20 minutes
Ian’s Channel: