What is up with Ham Radio operators ? (primarily those in the USA)
How come that they are often aggressive and abusive , show little to no respect , attack , and then run away and hide.?!
I just love that Ham Radio Spirit that is often spoken of – HA , what a crock that is.
Unless you are blowing bubbles up a radio amateurs exit orifice , , he will become abusive , and attack.
I see this time and time again on social media.
Are all Radio Hams – MENTAL !??!!?
Hams like to think that they are something special , somewhat elevated due to their understanding of technical topics , but I simply don’t see it.
I see petty , whiny little munchkins with big egos with equally big chips on their shoulders.
Whats more , they love to attack , and then scurry away.
If they have a factually sound point , why be aggressive , why cause problems.?!
Why not explain their point in a mature , balanced and respectful way.?!
And why is it that not one EVER has taken up my invitation to send me their ‘concerns’ by email directly.?!
How come they ALWAYS need a little podium to shout from ?!
Why ?
Because facts aren’t on their side.
Of course , it might just be that they are all screwed in the head and not taking their prescribed medications.
#hamradio #shortwave #amateurradio #arrl