Solar Weather Forecast For HF/VHF For 10/18/22.
I expect SFI’s to drop slightly today and rebound again by Thursday.
VHF/UHF Operators, Keep your eye on Hepburn maps, As this is a great season for tropospheric ducting for those bands.
What is florist very women S1 – S2 today, dropping to S0 – S one tomorrow, then rising again Thursday to S2-S3 on 10/20/22. 
This element is typically a part of the “Full Ham Radio Live! Show,” but it’s the only segment I Have the time to produce for today due to my brothers care needs.
I would like to see how well these short segments covering something very valuable to us all in amateur radio and Shortwave will go. Sorry I couldn’t produce the whole show today.
Please feel free to provide your feedback on Producing a short solar weather show, when I can’t produce the entire show due to medical appointments.
I hope you’re not disappointed that I didn’t get into saying hello to everyone. This short segment show is just about getting the information out in around eight minutes. I hope you understand.
It’s my way of at least giving you something of value every day.
As always, I thank you profoundly for supporting this channel. I love you all