Mr. Test Equipment Himself, Alan Wolke, W2AEW Presents at April 2018 Speaker Series: “Oscilloscopes … And A Whole Lot More”. Alan was originally licensed as a novice in the late seventies (KA2IZZ), but then dropped out of the hobby after entering college and then the workforce. He re-entered the hobby as a Tech (and then a Tech Plus) in 1997 (KC2BOG). His vanity call (W2AEW) was issued October 1998.

He is an electrical engineer, working as a Field RF Application Engineer for Tektronix, taking care of customers in the Northeastern part of the US. Previous “lives” included design and applications work that focused primarily on analog and mixed-signal, highspeed, RF, hard-disk, fiber optic, telecom and datacom circuits and their applications.

You can find Alan’s ham radio, oscilloscope, electronics repair and tutorials, test & measurement, etc. related videos on YouTube at

He is a Life Member of the ARRL, a Volunteer Examiner, and the Technical Coordinator for the Northern New Jersey section of the Hudson Division of the ARRL.

An oscilloscope is a type of electronic test instrument that allows observation of varying signal voltages, usually as a two-dimensional plot of one or more signals as a function of time. Other signals (such as sound or vibration) can be converted to voltages and displayed. Oscilloscopes are used to observe the change of an electrical signal over time, such that voltage and time describe a shape which is continuously graphed against a calibrated scale.

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