POTA Rules Parks on the air

Parks on the Air(POTA) Rules:

You and all the equipmentyou use need to bewithin the perimeters of the park, and on federal or state/provincial owned land.The land must not be private propertyas the spirit of thePOTAprogram is to get out of the house and operate, but you can do it from a vehicle/park bench/various methods etc. Use the map on thePOTAsitein combination withGoogle Maps, and official park sitesto find theofficial boundaries. If the park is part of a trail system or river, you need to be within100 feetof the trail or river. You maynever trespass on private propertyto access state/provincial or federal lands without permission. You are taking part in this program atyour own risk to following the proper law, and injury.

You can only work fromone reference at a time. If you are in a park that is a sub-region of a larger park, you can use the reference of thesub-region, oryou can alsosplit your logsas you like for each park too.

You must make a minimum of10 QSOsfor your activity to count toward aPOTAactivation.This must be done within the same day in Zulu Time 00:00 – 23:59.

Hunters still gain credit, even if the activator hasn’t reached 10 QSOs. For hunters and activators to gain credit though, theactivator MUSTsend the log in .adifformat to theirregional manager based on their call sign(see front page)via e-mail.

One logcan covermultiple daysof activity, this includesclub call signsandmultiple operators.

For the countries ofUnited StatesandCanada, we willnotbe addingany additional parks until at least 50% of our existing parks have been activated at least once.We are attempting to fix and fine tune what we have in the system now, rather than add more to it. Plus, we are opening up more opportunities to more countries.

Land repeaters are NOT allowed, but satellite contacts, and all other types are permitted.

Official page https://parksontheair.com

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