If you’re thinking of getting into HF Ham Radio, don’t buy a radio without watching this first!
In this video, we’ll break down our top 5 picks based on all the major factors like value, support, and functionality.
For seriously high end radios, check out our other guide on that subject: https://youtu.be/b4t8ynLa5dM
For links to purchase and more details, check out our website post here: https://hamradioprep.com/hf-ham-radios-for-beginners
Need to get your ham radio license or upgrade?
Go to https://www.HamRadioPrep.com for the world’s best online ham radio class taught by experts with decades of experience.
If you’ve already got your license, join us over at https://www.WorldRadioLeague.com to log your contacts, win awards, and join the community.