#172: Basics of Op Amp Gain Bandwidth Product and Slew Rate Limit

Op amp gain-BW product and slew rate limiting are defined, discussed and demonstrated on the bench. This discussion applies to the majority of general purpose op amps on the market – as most op amps are internally compensated with a single dominant pole. High speed op amps, unconditionally stable op amps, non-unity gain stable op amps, high power opamps, etc. may not follow these characteristics because they are often compensated differently in their design. An LM358N is used for the example circuit. Other popular op amps like the LM741, etc. will behave in a similar way. Sometimes the slew rate limit of a device will be the dominant factor in determining the bandwidth, and other times the gain-bandwidth product will determine the resulting frequency response. The video demonstrates why this happens. Notes from the video are here:

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